S.C.I Mystery Series Volume 5 Chapter 48

Inheritor of the Three Murderers 17 – Pseudo-Genius

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang caught G and the tenth inheritor respectively.

In the SCI office, the crowd collectively saluted towards the door.

Bao Zheng walked out of the office just in time to see G, who was handcuffed and pushed out of the elevator, and the director, whose face was as black as carbon, froze in his entirety, his mouth wide open in disbelief.

In the office, the entire SCI staff and all the family members, who had all returned to the team, looked out the main door, and Issel couldn't help but whistle.

Bai Chi asked A'Mo, who was staring at the door, "Is that him?"

A'Mo accurately pinpointed the location of the tenth inheritor and nodded, "It's him!"

At that moment, the sound of laughter came from the door.

Everyone followed the sound of laughter and looked over to see Zhao Jue, who was leaning on the sofa, laughing as if he had seen a funny picture and pointing at G, "Complete defeat! Hahaha... idiot!"

Other than Zhan Zhao, no one understood what exactly Zhao Jue was laughing at, nor did they understand what was worth laughing at about the matter itself.

Only Zhan Zhao laughed along with Zhao Jue.

Zhao Jue asked, "Little kitten! Is it fun?"

Zhan Zhao stared at Zhao Jue for a moment and nodded, "Mhmm, it's fun."

The inheritor was first detained in a heavily guarded detention room.

G, on the other hand, was escorted into the interrogation room, raising his eyes to look at Zhan Zhao who walked in, "You'll regret this..."

However, the smile on Zhan Zhao's face grew even wider as he shook his head, "I told you earlier, there are ways to deal with you!"

G frowned slightly.

At this moment, he saw Zhan Zhao's body lean to one side slightly, stepping aside to make room at the door. Gongsun and Qin Ou walked in, followed by two more people, the director of the forensics section, Old Wang, and the head of the bomb disposal team, Wang Ba.

Behind them, a few people walked in one after another, Jiang Ping carrying a computer, with a few people dressed as engineering mechanics carrying toolboxes in their hands, as well as Xiatian and Ma Xin, who carried surgical tools and pushed a surgical bed in.

Outside the interrogation room, there were several people gathered around.

Zhan Zhao asked Zhao Jue, "Where are those two people?"

Zhao Jue shook the phone in his hand, "They should be here..."

As Zhao Jue's words fell, the elevator doors opened with a ding, and a man and a woman carrying silver suitcases walked in.


The one walking in front was an old man with silver hair and glasses, who greeted Zhao Jue eagerly. He was followed by a beautiful woman in a white coat who also wore glasses and had an excellent temperament.

The SCI crowd had seen these two before in the special hospital where Xie Tianlang was imprisoned. The old man in front was the psychologist Mura, who was known as the Silver Eyed Monster, and the female doctor at the back was Zhao Jue's former student, the geneticist Fu Min.

Mura walked to the door of the interrogation room, and as usual, he pounced on Zhao Jue first, but Zhao Jue dodged and kicked him into the interrogation room.

"Oh!" Mura pushed up his mirror-like reflective rimless glasses and let out an exclamation "Awesome! If it isn't Xiao G!"

G frowned at the large group of people pouring in, as well as the makeshift operating table made on the side, and looked back at Zhan Zhao slyly, "What are you trying to do?"

Zhan Zhao smiled faintly, "Didn't I say earlier that the ultimate way to deal with plants... is to uproot them!"

Saying this, Zhan Zhao pointed to G's left hand and said in a cold tone, "Remove your left hand."

Even through the glass window, the crowd could still feel the momentary shock that flashed through G's eyes, as well as... fear...


Bai Yutang was puzzled, "G would actually be afraid of removing that prosthetic hand?"

Zhao Hu was also curious, "The hand was originally fake, what's wrong with removing it?"

"Heh." Zhao Jue sneered, "By removing that hand, he'll go from genius to mortal..."

Bai Ye was also puzzled, "What do you mean?"

The crowd looked at Bai Ye strangely – So you don't know either?

Bai Ye was baffled, and they could see that Issel on the side was puzzled too.

Leaving the struggling G to the excited "demolition team", Zhan Zhao walked out of the interrogation room, ready to explain to the group of bewildered "babies" outside the door.


When everyone returned to the SCI office, Bao Zheng followed them in.

Zhan Zhao asked Zhao Jue, "Did you discover G's secret a long time ago, or just recently?"

Zhao Jue sat down on the sofa, picking a comfortable angle to wrap his arms around Lisbon, and slowly answered, "It used to be nothing more than a suspicion, and I had no evidence to confirm it, but... not too long ago, my thoughts were confirmed."

"When was it?" Zhan Zhao asked.

"What about you?" Zhao Jue asked rhetorically without answering.

"What first made me have this thought was when he first came to the police station to meet Yutang." Zhan Zhao said, "And what made me certain of this thought was that previous X University shooting case, the one where Xu Ming kidnapped students and sought me out to save his life."

Hearing Zhan Zhao's words, Zhao Jue smiled, raised his hands and slowly clapped, praising, "Good boy! Amazing!"

The crowd looked at Zhao Jue's expression and felt like he was praising his own child who had just scored a hundred points on a test. His eyes were filled with pride, and at the same time... there was some surprise.

Bai Ye looked at Zhao Jue... No one should know Zhao Jue better than him, it can be said that this time, Zhan Zhao's performance really should have given him a pleasant surprise. It has been a long time since he has seen him so happy.

In this world, what kind of things would make a "monster" like Zhao Jue happy? Bai Ye used to think that it no longer existed, but now look at it, it's still there, and only today did he realise that the original Zhao Jue was still a human being and would still feel happy when he saw hope...

"The first time I saw G... was it the time he came to the police station?" Bai Yutang asked.

Zhan Zhao nodded, "That time, his hypnosis had an effect on you!"

Bai Yutang nodded, "Indeed, there was that moment in the beginning when I had the feeling of being tricked! It's never happened before..."

To the side, the others nodded, "That's why I thought G was very powerful at that time."

"From that time onwards, I vaguely have some suspicions that G might not be using hypnosis or suggestion, what he's employing, are other cheating tricks." Zhan Zhao said.

"Cheating?" The crowd was surprised, "Why would you think that?"

"Because no one has ever been able to hypnotise Xiao Bai!" Zhan Zhao replied with a straight face, "I can't, Zhao Jue can't... I don't think there's anyone else in the world who can!"

The crowd all tilted their faces and thought – It seemed... indeed... to be so.

"Just as how even the most powerful hypnotist can't hypnotise Luban!" Zhan Zhao had a serious face, "I locked Xiao Bai in a small black room for a few hours and he still couldn't be affected. G only met with him once, but using the simplest method, he was able to produce a heavy hypnotic phenomenon as serious as hallucinations in Yutang? It's unreasonable no matter how you think about it! It's like how a winning streak in poker might be due to card memorisation, but if you can draw four aces even with a deck that doesn't have an ace of spades, then there's no doubt that it's cheating!"

The crowd nodded – It made sense!

"If it's not hypnotism, then what method can make someone hallucinate?" Zhan Zhao asked, "Perhaps using something to assist him in performing hypnosis?"

Bai Yutang thought for a moment and asked, "Drugs?"

Zhan Zhao nodded, "That's right! Drugs!"

"Then why are you sure about that Xu Ming case?" Bai Chi was curious, "Was there anything special about that case?"

"Firstly, the timing of that case was quite strange!" Zhan Zhao said, "Let's all recall what we were doing at the time of the case."

"Taking A'Mo to Brother's banquet, in order to find the person he had witnessed."

Zhan Zhao nodded, "At that time, A'Mo reacted to two people, one was Yue Hai in the wheelchair, and the other..."

Bai Yutang said, "I only saw the silhouette of a person, and that person quickly fled."

"And that person caused you to have some sort of association and recollection, that you've seen that person before, right?" Zhan Zhao asked Bai Yutang.

Bai Yutang nodded, "When Brother and I were young, we went to visit Issel in the hospital... At that time, that person sneakily pretended to be a doctor and tried to enter Issel's ward."

Not far away, Bai Jintang frowned slightly and subconsciously glanced at Issel.

Issel reached out and gently touched the spot on his arm where he had a tattoo. He looked at Bai Yutang in surprise, muttering to himself, "Have you... seen that person..."

Zhan Zhao immediately turned his face to look at Issel and asked, "Who is that person?"

"Er..." Issel hesitated, "he..."

Issel was hesitant, and Zhan Zhao didn't press him, he just said, "He's the person G is really looking for, and also the person you're looking for. That's why you're cooperating with G, isn't it?"

Issel stared at Zhan Zhao for a long time, then turned around and asked Bai Jintang, "Which lab did this kid grow up in?"

Bai Jintang pulled out a cigarette and lit it, saying nonchalantly, "Natural conception, maternal nurturing, breastfeeding, and raised with food... The food is usually good, and there is enough nutrition, just a lack of exercise."

Bai Jintang just took a puff of smoke, then realised that they were indoors and shouldn't be smoking. He wanted to press the cigarette to the ashtray to snuff it out, but Zhan Zhao reached out, took the cigarette in his hand, and from the table, picked up the coffee that Jiang Ping had just drank half of and hadn't finished.

Putting the cigarette and coffee on the table in front of everyone, Zhan Zhao pointed at these two things and said, "Determining G's deception, and catching G, were these two things!"



Everyone looked at Zhan Zhao in confusion.

Zhan Zhao pointed at the coffee and said, "Do you remember when Xu Ming went crazy and suddenly kidnapped students, saying that those students poisoned his coffee?"

Everyone nodded.

Bai Yutang immediately remembered, "But that cup wasn't coffee at all, Old Wang identified the ingredients and there was no caffeine in it!"

"Right!" Zhan Zhao nodded, "And the timing of Xu Ming's seizure was so good! So much so that we had to cancel our actions at Brother's banquet and let that mysterious person and Yue Hai go! It was simply a lost cause! There were still so many assassins in the banquet hall at that time, and everyone's attention was drawn away by this breaking news!"

"So Xu Ming's illness wasn't a coincidence, but it was set at that time, in order to let that person off the hook?" Bai Yutang asked.

"That's right." Zhan Zhao smiled faintly, "According to my speculation, that person went to the banquet hall to look for another person who made A'Mo react."

"He was looking for Yue Hai?" Bai Yutang asked.

Zhan Zhao nodded and looked at Zhao Jue, "Is my speculation correct?"

Zhao Jue smiled and nodded, "Mhmm! How about we give them both code names? That person is N, and Yue Hai is I."

"So, the real sequence of this case is that G wants to find N, and N wants to find I. G is trying to find N by using us to find I. In other words, with I, there's something N is interested in. With N, there's something G is interested in. I is the one who has a relationship with the inheritor, the tenth inheritor, and wants to kill the other inheritors. G wants to catch the tenth inheritor..." Zhan Zhao said this, smiled slightly and posed a question to the crowd that had already become dazed, "From this string of cause and effect relationships, what can we deduce?"

The SCI officers felt dizzy, but several of the "family members" were calm. Zhao Zhen and Bai Jintang spoke up almost simultaneously, "The tenth inheritor is an existence that is linked to both N and I!"

Zhan Zhao nodded and held out two fingers, "Don't be fooled by that group of inheritors who are making a lot of noise! In fact, the truly important ones are N and I!"

Zhan Zhao had an excited glint in his eyes, but the others were mostly still in the clouds.

Zhan Zhao looked at Zhao Jue.

Zhao Jue waved his hand at him as he held his chin, "You're running too fast, your companions can't keep up. Let's focus on the immediate situation first."

Bai Yutang also nodded to Zhan Zhao, "Let's talk about N and I afterwards, let's start with G and the tenth inheritor. NIG sounds like a big game of chess."

Zhan Zhao nodded his head and said, glancing meaninglessly at Zhao Jue, "It should be ING..."

Everyone froze.

Zhao Jue narrowed his eyes slightly, a hint of danger flashing through his eyes as he stared at Zhan Zhao.

Zhan Zhao opened his mouth and muttered in a very small voice, "If you add a K..."

Before Zhan Zhao finished speaking, on the opposite side, Zhao Jue suddenly reached his hand out, pressed his index finger against his lips, and shushed...

The SCI crowd who hadn't witnessed Zhao Jue's signature move for a long time repeated Zhan Zhao's words just now in their heads, "Ing... plus a K... King?"

A simple English word came out. Bai Ye and Issel's expressions instantly became serious, and a subtle sense of "taboo" spread in the air, as if they were reciting some forbidden word.

Bai Yutang subconsciously glanced at Bao Zheng at the doorway, and sure enough, Bao Zheng's pitch-black face appeared to be filled with a momentary sense of despair... That look seemed to be saying... finally, this moment has come!

The SCI crowd also vaguely felt that the phrase spoken after Zhan Zhao caught G, "the day we meet the king"... had another deep meaning.

Bai Ye looked at Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang, who were standing in the middle of the office and looking at each other, and had an unspeakable feeling of shock. These young people have spread apart the layers of clouds and fog, pulling out the silk threads to straighten out the mess, and now they have touched the corner of the final layer of black curtain that hides the truth... As long as they pull it apart with force, everything will be made clear to the world, and all the evils will be exposed under the light of day... After so many years, does it mean that the end is coming? What will the day of truth be like? Will it be the end, or a new life?

Just as the SCI office was immersed in a subtle silence, there was a slightly playful "dang dang dang dang~" from the doorway. Someone hummed Beethoven's Fate Symphony and knocked on the open glass door of the office.

Everyone turned their faces, only to see Mura appearing in the doorway with a silver mechanical arm, "Ho ho! Poking through trickery! Turns out genius is pseudo! This is the most powerful hustler I've ever seen in my life!"

As Mura appeared, a number of people came hooting and hollering in through the door, and several people from the forensic department's identification team were holding data reports in their hands.

Mura placed the silver mechanical arm on the table in front of everyone, alongside the coffee and the mostly lit cigarette.

"This arm is just like Metal Gear Solid!" Jiang Ping was not without emotion, "There are Hador mechanics inside! And what a sophisticated programme setting, awesome! I originally thought that he was a master of hypnosis, but it turns out that he is a mechanical madman! He looks like Dracula on the outside, I didn't expect his real body to be Frankenstein!"

Zhan Zhao patted Bai Yutang who was staring at the three things on the table, "Let's go interrogate G!"

Bai Yutang nodded.

The SCI crowd once again flocked to the door of the interrogation room, watching Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang interrogate the biggest "fish" they had caught so far, the important person who was defined as a "pseudo-genius".

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

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Translator Notes

Please feel free to comment any mistakes I made so I can improve and do better as I go through the book.

Translated: February 9, 2024 by Angel

Edited: May 9, 2024 by Angel


  1. OMG are we about to reach the truth for all those mysterious thing between the old generation???


    Btw I'm so excited with their reaction when Cat said the letter K. The puzzle is slowly getting solve~

    Thx for the translation<3


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