S.C.I Mystery Series Volume 5 Chapter 49

Inheritor of the Three Murderers 18 – Killer vs Chameleon

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang walked into the interrogation room.

G was sitting in a chair at the table in the interrogation room, with one hand handcuffed to the table and the other sleeve empty.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang sat down opposite him.

G should have gone through a struggle when they removed his arm just now, and his appearance was a bit messy at this time.

Bai Yutang sized up G and found an interesting phenomenon.

The G in his memories felt like he had everything under control, and he looked proud of himself. While at this moment, even G's face seemed to be in bad shape, looking tired and feeling very dishevelled.

Zhan Zhao placed three things on the table in the interrogation room, which were G's removed arm, a cup of coffee, and a cigarette.

G stared at these three things for a while, then slowly raised his eyes and looked at Zhan Zhao, "So that's how it is..."

Zhan Zhao returned a smile to him and opened his mouth, speaking in his usual calm tone, "You and Zhao Jue are not monsters on the same level at all, he's a genius among geniuses, and you're just a mere mortal masquerading as a genius. The first time you saw me, you must have hated me with a passion, right?"

After Zhan Zhao finished his sentence, G's face was extremely ugly, while outside the interrogation room, Zhao Jue laughed so hard that he punched the table, "So poisonous! Hahaha! He touched a nerve."

Everyone was waiting curiously to see how the situation developed in the interrogation room, while Ma Han, who was in charge of catching G with Zhan Zhao just now, seemed to have something he couldn't figure out.

Ma Han frowned and glanced at Zhao Jue, who was standing beside him, leaning against the table and holding his chin.

Zhao Jue's senses were exceptionally sharp, and as soon as he received the gaze, he raised his glance and saw Ma Han frowning at him.

Ma Han thought about it and couldn't help but ask Zhao Jue, "G said he has hostages, what should we do with those hostages?"

"What hostages?" Gongsun was curious.

Ma Han explained what G said, that he had hypnotised so many people at random.

Everyone frowned.

Zhao Hu, who was always very vain, came over to ask Zhao Jue for advice, "Master Zhao, what does uprooting mean... What should we do if G really comes to a life and death-situation?"

Zhao Jue looked at the sky, "You fools, the answer is right in front of you, don't you understand?"

The SCI crowd all cocked their heads at Zhao Jue.

Zhao Jue rubbed his eyebrows – They all had husky attributes!

"All of G's talents come from his advanced arm, he needs to use drugs to carry out hypnosis or suggestion, and the mechanism to release the drugs is also in his arm. The biggest difference between plants and animals is that plants can not move and must be rooted in the soil. If uprooted, no matter how tall or thick you are, you can not live. Zhan Zhao removed his arm, it's the same as uprooting him. The current G is an ordinary person just like you guys." Zhao Jue narrowed his eyes and pointed at the SCI crowd in front of him, "Let me ask you guys, if you're hiding something, does Zhan Zhao need your consent if he wants to know?"

The crowd froze, and then realisation dawned on them – Right! The current G was no different from any of them. In front of Zhan Zhao or Zhao Jue, he was equal to the meat on a chopping board. If Zhan Zhao wanted to, it didn't matter if G remembered it or not, in short, all that information stored in his brain belonged to Zhan Zhao now.

"It's more than that, isn't it."

To the side, Bai Jintang, who was leaning against the door frame, said, "What Zhan Zhao is really interested in at this time should already be more than just about this case."

Zhao Zhen also smiled, "If I were him, with such a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to capture the number two figure alive, I would definitely pull out all the secrets of that organisation behind G!"

The rest of the SCI nodded their heads, and everyone's attention was focused on G in the interrogation room. No one noticed that at this moment, Zhao Jue and Bai Ye glanced at each other, and both of them looked at each other with a little bit of subtlety.

After that, Bai Ye retreated, and as he passed by Bao Zheng, he whispered in Bao Zheng's ear.

Bao Zheng frowned and looked at Bai Ye.

After Bai Ye finished, he turned around and walked away, Bao Zheng hesitated and walked out as well.

In the interrogation room, Zhan Zhao reached out and turned off the audio.

Outside, the crowd tacitly understood that after that, Zhan Zhao supposedly wouldn't be polite to G, and would directly resort to hypnosis, meaning that other than Bai Yutang, everyone else could be trapped, so no one could listen to the voices at this point.

Although they understand the advantages and disadvantages, the crowd is still itchy. Outside the interrogation room, there was a faint layer of anxiety permeating the room.

At this moment, Ma Han's cell phone vibrated.

Ma Han took the phone out and saw that the caller ID only had one number – 11.

Ma Han frowned slightly, why would Eleven call at this time?

Reaching out to pick it up, before Ma Han had a chance to speak, he heard Eleven's low voice come through, "Level one alert."

Ma Han shook slightly and raised his head, while at the same time, the cell phone was taken by Zhao Jue.

Zhao Jue tapped the speakerphone button and he heard Eleven's concise word come from the other side of the phone, "Chameleon!"

Zhao Jue shoved the cell phone to Ma Han, walked over to open the door to the room, and barged into the interrogation room.

The crowd looked at each other in disbelief.

Bai Jintang and Zhao Zhen glanced at each other.

Gongsun asked, "Chameleon?"

"Sounds familiar." Bai Chi looked at the others.

"During the ghost ship case, Stephen and the others were silenced by the Chameleon." Ma Han muttered to himself.

Zhao Hu was surprised, "Didn't they say that Chameleon was an assassin group used to silence them at that time... Do they want to silence G?"

Luo Tian and Qin Ou both frowned, "But this is a police station, do they dare..."

Before Luo Tian finished his words, they suddenly heard a loud sound from outside, it seemed that something exploded outside the wall.

Almost simultaneously, the alarm bells rang loudly in the police building.

The door to the interrogation room opened and Bai Yutang walked out, winking at Ma Han and Zhao Hu.

The two immediately ran out after him, taking cover on opposite sides of the windows and looking out in different directions.

At this moment, the outside of the police station building was in chaos. Because the fire alarm was ringing, everyone in the building was evacuating in an orderly manner.

In the distance was the sound of a fire truck's siren, and along with a few fire trucks were a dozen or so SWAT cars. Heavily armed SWAT officers got out of their vehicles and seemed to be preparing to come into the police station.

Bai Yutang frowned slightly, seemingly puzzled, "Why did SWAT come so fast?"

At this moment, Bao Zheng rushed out from the police station building, blocking the SWAT team from coming in and signalling for all the police officers to back off.

Then Bao Zheng exchanged words with Xiao Fei, the SWAT team leader.

Bai Yutang was frowning at the situation below when he suddenly caught a glimpse of a point of light moving across the street in his peripheral vision.

Almost simultaneously, Ma Han and Zhao Hu shouted, "RPG!"

At the same time as the sound rang out, a fiery blast was seen mid-air, followed by the sound of a huge explosion.

A huge fireball was formed mid-air. The people downstairs scattered to avoid the debris falling from the sky, the huge soundwave shattered the glass, and instantly, the alarms of hundreds of cars in the parking lot went off in unison, making the scene even more chaotic.

Bai Yutang and Ma Han looked in two different directions.

Bai Yutang was looking at a building directly opposite the police station.

Zhao Hu had already handed over the binoculars.

Bai Yutang took the binoculars and looked, and sure enough, on the roof of the opposite building, there was a man carrying an RPG.

But just as Bai Yutang saw him, the man suddenly flew out to the side, blood spurted out from his temple, and a bullet flew out clearly on the other side.

Bai Yutang looked in the direction the bullet flew from. There was a dense cluster of buildings over there, with no sniping points in sight.

On the other hand, Ma Han was looking in the other direction and said to Bai Yutang, "That shell just now should have been shot by a sniper rifle, otherwise it would have hit the interrogation room squarely."

"Snipers in both directions?" Bai Yutang asked, "One shooting people and one shooting shells?"

"The one who hit the shell should be Eleven." Ma Han replied.

"On the other side was Cello." The door to the stairwell opened and Bai Ye stepped out.

Bai Yutang noticed the black blade in his hand.

Bai Yutang frowned slightly and looked up at Bai Ye.

At that moment, Issel, who had been sitting on the desk at the door to the interrogation room and yawning, said slowly, "Chameleon would have dressed up as the SWAT team to take advantage of the chaos and blend in."

The crowd was enlightened – No wonder Bao Sir had stopped the SWAT team.


At this moment, Jiang Ping ran out of the office, holding a cell phone, "Someone sent a video to me."

Everyone gathered around to look at it, and they saw a team of roughly thirty or so people dressed as SWAT officers, armed and loaded, entering the lobby of the police station from the elevator in the underground parking lot.

"When?" Bai Yutang asked.

"Just as the fire alarm bell sounded, they mixed in." Jiang Ping said.

As he spoke, Jiang Ping's cell phone rang again, and almost simultaneously, the crowd heard the sound of a helicopter's propeller coming from upstairs.

Jiang Ping found out that it was a video call request, so he tapped on it.

When the video call connected, a face with distinct Eastern European features appeared, and the crowd froze – Bailey Yang!

Bailey Yang smiled faintly at the crowd and turned the camera of his cell phone around.

He should be on top of a building near the police station at this point, and the image that the crowd was shown was that a helicopter was above the landing pad on the roof of the police station, a rope was lowered from the underside of the helicopter, and there were two teams dressed up as SWAT officers who were coming down one after the other.

At this time, Bai Yutang's cell phone also rang, and what came through was another video call request.

Bai Yutang connected the video call, and what appeared was the face of a beautiful woman that the crowd also recognised, it was Cello's sister, Violin.

Beside Violin, another beauty also probed over and winked at the crowd. The crowd had seen this one before – Melissa.

The two beauties, one in purple and the other in white, turned the camera around.

Jiang Ping shouted, "They're in the surveillance room!"

At this moment, through the cell phone, the video screen in the surveillance room could be seen, and the two beauties were showing them that both the downstairs and upstairs entry parties of the Chameleon were loaded. Half of them took the elevator, and the other group took the stairs.

At the same time, on the other side of Jiang Ping's video feed, they could see a launcher in Bailey Yang's hand, and a nail gun with a long steel cable was shot from the building they were in towards the police station building.

The nail gun that was driven into the roof wall of the building opened up four metal steel nails that were driven into the wall.

Bailey Yang and Third, who flashed out from the side, raised their hands, put on a skull mask that covered half of their faces, and with a leap slid down the steel cable to the police station building.

On the other side of the screen, Violin pointed to the surveillance screen on one side.

Only to see an old man and two young people, wearing the same half-face skull masks as Bailey Yang and the others, appearing with their guns at the stairway's entrance, right behind the pair of SWAT officers going up, and all three of them wearing black gloves – the Black Glove Family.

Violin and Melissa both reached up and put on their masks as well, gesturing to Bai Yutang and the others on this side of the video feed, "We'll take care of the ones in the stairs, you guys figure out what to do with the ones in the elevator. Zhan Zhao and Zhao Jue are interrogating G, right?"

Bai Yutang nodded.

"Seven minutes then!" The two beauties left a sentence and hung up the video call.

On the other end, Bailey Young, who had already reached the roof of the building, abruptly walked to the back of the helicopter that was preparing to land and raised his hand... A green dot of light appeared at the tail of the helicopter.

The crowd frowned – A guiding beam...

As the green dot of light appeared on the helicopter, and almost simultaneously, two gunshots rang out...

With a loud boom, the tail of the helicopter exploded. It lost its balance and plunged headlong onto the landing pad, its blades scraping the ground and instantly bursting into flames and sparks."

There were two other members of Chameleon in SWAT uniforms in the helicopter, and both were thrown out.

Bailey Young and Third walk right past them. The crowd heard two gunshots, and Bailey Young and Third smiled at the video, "Seven minutes!"

The video feeds from both sides were interrupted, and at the same time, the sound of violent gunshots came from the building.

Bai Yutang raised his eyes to look at the elevators... The red floor numbers were changing little by little, one elevator was coming up from the bottom, and one down from the top… Seven or eight more floors, and then they would reach the floor where SCI was located.

Bai Yutang winked at the crowd.

Zhao Hu and Ma Han immediately dashed to the sides of the elevators.

Bai Yutang went to his office and grabbed the wooden sword that was sitting on his desk, and he and Bai Ye also hid on either side of the elevators.

Qin Ou rushed into the office, opened a drawer and pulled out two things. It was unknown what he did to put them together, but they became two square boxes with a pull ring. Holding them in his hand, he smoothly yanked two gas masks from another cabinet, rushed out and threw them to Bai Ye and Bai Yutang, and crouched with his back to the wall in the middle of the two elevators, leaning against the wall.

Luo Tian and Bai Chi escorted Ma Xin, Xiatian, Gongsun and the other clerical staff into the forensic room and closed the door.

Zhao Zhen, Bai Jintang and the twins who were watching, as well as Issel, were standing in the doorway of the interrogation room, not moving, while Lisbon, who was napping, was still lying at Zhao Zhen's feet.

In the interrogation room, the curtains were drawn.

Bai Jintang took out a cigarette and lit it, and the twins curiously asked their big brother, "Why seven minutes?"

Big Brother Bai spat out a mouthful of smoke and said slowly, "Golden seven minutes? With Zhao Jue and Zhan Zhao in a room for seven minutes... his head will basically be hollowed out."

Just after Bai Jintang finished his words, they heard a ding... as the elevator doors opened.

The moment the elevator doors opened, the sound of gunfire inside rose in all directions, and the wall opposite the elevator was shot into a sieve.

At this time, a lion's roar suddenly came from the door of the interrogation room.

Zhao Zhen gently patted Lisbon, who shook his mane beside him, he was very disgruntled because he had been woken up by the gunfire.

The sound of the lion's roar sounded, and in an instant, the gunfire stopped.

In this gap, Qin Ou hooked both thumbs, pulled off the rings of the two boxes in his hands, threw them into the elevator, and then plugged his ears.

Following his movements, there was a loud bang in the elevator, and smoke instantly filled the area.

The man with the gun inside coughed.

There were two rifle muzzles sticking out.

Zhao Hu and Ma Han grabbed both of them and yanked them out.

Bai Yutang and Bai Ye, who had already put on their gas masks, entered the elevator in a flash.

The elevator was immediately in chaos, coughs and screams accompanied the sound of tendons and bones hitting metal, making one cringe at the sound.

Ma Han and Zhao Hu disarmed the two Chameleons that were dragged out.

The two were beaten to the ground, and then the two got up and ran in the direction of the interrogation room on the side of the hallway. Just as they reached the doorway, they were suddenly confronted by a huge white lion that opened its massive mouth and roared again.

The two were so shocked that they shot back and felt the back of their heads being grabbed.

The twins appeared behind them, each grabbing a head and slamming it against the wall.

After a loud bang, Bai Jintang exhaled a mouthful of smoke.

The exhaust system in the elevator began to run at high speed due to the smoke, and visibility gradually became clear.

Zhao Zhen slipped over to take a look inside.

He saw that Bai Ye and Bai Yutang were putting away their swords and taking off their gas masks, while everyone else was lying on the ground. Looking at the degree of contortion, all of them needed to be rebuilt back into their original form. Fortunately, neither of them drew their swords, or else the scene would probably have been bloody.

At this time, the gunfire in the building also stopped.

Ma Han and Zhao Hu walked to the hallway to take a look, and both frowned... the Chameleon in the hallway were obviously not so lucky… They were all dead, either their heads were blown off or their throats were cut, it was abnormally bloody.

Jiang Ping turned on the computer and switched to the surveillance footage of the building. He found that the bodies of the Chameleons were lying all over the building, there were no more living people, and the several killers had also disappeared.

At this time, Bai Yutang's cell phone rang, it was Bao Zheng calling.

Bai Yutang picked it up, and heard Bao Zheng's side ask, "How's it going?"

Bai Yutang replied, "It can be cleared."

Bao Zheng nodded, which released the SWAT members to clear the scene, while the firefighters went to the roof to extinguish the fire from the helicopter wreckage.

Not long after, Bao Zheng walked up with a black face, along with him was the captain of the SWAT team. Xiao Fei thought that he had seen a lot of big scenes, but such an efficient clearing operation was still an eye-opener for him. In less than ten minutes, close to sixty heavily armed assassins were all eliminated.

"Wow!" Jiang Ping took his laptop and found the footage captured by the stairwell surveillance just now, complete with several killers killing the Chameleon in seconds, and showed it to the crowd.

The so-called world's top killers, in other words, were killing machines. Bailey Yang and Third, one with a gun and the other with a sword, slaughtered people all the way down the stairs, one headshot and one neck slice, the speed completely shattered all the special effects of shootouts in movies.

As for the Black Glove Family coming up from downstairs, it was basically the two teenagers practising. The old man walked slowly in the back, holding a stopwatch to count, as if the young man and the young woman were comparing whose movement was faster than the other, which was simply unimaginable.

The most shocking thing was the two beauties. Violin and Melissa were waiting in the middle of the staircase, Violin's shooting skill was more accurate than her brother's, while Melissa was wearing a pair of shoes with razor blades, and her close-quarters fighting was just like a game.

As Bao Zheng watched, his face became even darker, but this time, if it wasn't for the help of these assassins, there was no guarantee that there wouldn't have been a lot of casualties.

Bao Zheng then felt a twitching pain in his brain, "So arrogant, to come to the police station to silence someone!"

Bai Yutang chimed in from the side, "They're bullying us to the limit. That organisation must be destroyed!"

Bao Zheng's face became even darker.

Just then, the door to the interrogation room opened.

Everyone turned their faces to look over and saw Zhan Zhao and Zhao Jue walking out one after the other.

Zhao Jue looked around and sighed, "Wow! Everyone has brought out all their resources this time. They wanted to play a big game, but they didn't expect to be wiped out by a bunch of troublemakers. That's why you should be decent in your daily life, it won’t end well to offend too many people."

After saying that, Zhao Jue hit Bao Zheng's shoulder, "I say, Xiao Black, how are you going to explain this? Terrorist attack or biochemical crisis?"

Bao Zheng's face was about to turn from black to white.

Bai Yutang asked Zhan Zhao, "Cat? How's it going?"

Everyone else looked over at the interrogation room as well.

In the room, G was sitting there dumbfounded, looking like a wooden man.

Zhan Zhao crossed his arms, "There's too much information, it needs to be sorted out."

Bao Zheng glanced at Zhan Zhao.

Zhan Zhao also looked at him.

To the side, Bai Jintang asked, "How much has been asked?"

Zhan Zhao was silent for about three seconds and returned, "All of it!"

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

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Translator Notes

Please feel free to comment any mistakes I made so I can improve and do better as I go through the book.

Translated: February 11, 2024 by Angel

Edited: May 9, 2024 by Angel
