S.C.I Mystery Series Volume 5 Chapter 47

Inheritor of the Three Murderers 16 – Clue

Appearing in front of Bai Yutang and the others was the last one, the "inheritor" who had been given special treatment during the entire experimental programme back then.

From the viciousness of the trap he designed, coupled with his previous actions, this person was definitely not easy to deal with.

Everyone at SCI was inexplicably curious about the appearance of this inheritor. In addition, in the series of cases implicated by Zhao Jue, there were countless experiments, failures, successes, and all sorts of things, but this "inheritor" seemed to be more important than all the others! Why? What was so important about him? What was so important about him that G himself had to show up to find him?

The smoke and dust inside the tunnel gradually cleared.

Because many holes had been blown above the tunnel, the sunlight shone down obliquely... like a spotlight.

But the inheritor who "shone" in this spotlight was not as good as the crowd imagined, rather, after seeing his appearance, the crowd was surprised and couldn't believe it.

According to reason, based on A'Mo's age, this inheritor should not be young, but no matter how they looked at the person in front of them, he was about the same age as Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang. He was very thin, with a head of grey-black messy hair, which should have been caused by the dust from the collapse just now. They saw that he was quite tall and slightly hunched over, wearing a black shirt and jeans, and holding a long metal rod in his hand. They didn't know what kind of material it was, but it was black and matte. Just now, he should have been using this rod to tap those lead water pipes.

Bai Yutang had a feeling that there was something special about this rod, but as to what was special, he couldn't tell at the moment.

After slowly clapping his hands a few times, the inheritor spoke, "Amazing, amazing!"

The crowd couldn't help but frown – This person's voice wasn't light or heavy, it was very ordinary, but the speed of speech and the pauses between each word were the same, it didn't feel like it was coming from a human being.

At this moment, Zhao Hu and Luo Tian both drew and pointed their guns at the inheritor, "You're under arrest under suspicion of multiple murders."

The inheritor slightly tilted his head, glancing at the crowd before his eyes finally landed on Bai Yutang, asking, "Are you some sort of experimental subject as well?"

Bai Yutang frowned slightly and shook his head.

"Oh..." the inheritor nodded, "then you're a natural-born monster."

Bai Yutang was talking to him on one hand, and on the other, he was observing this inheritor.

Zhan Zhao was absolutely correct, all of this inheritor's movements had some sort of pattern. It wasn't just simple maths like symmetry or alignment, rather it felt very complex.

Bai Yutang most often dealt with intelligent people, and he guessed that this inheritor had an extremely high IQ.

According to the characteristics of the inheritors, every one of them had some kind of "disability", so what was this one's disability? There didn't seem to be any problems.

Zhao Hu and Luo Tian also had some thoughts at this time – According to Doctor Zhan's description, this inheritor should be old and powerful! But he looked like an ordinary student, so what was so great about him? Just a change in his eyes and a robotic rhythm in his speech?

Just as he was lost in thought, Zhao Hu suddenly saw a flash in front of his eyes and shivered in fear, but by the time he realised, Bai Yutang was right in front of his eyes.

Luo Tian yanked Zhao Hu, and only then did Hu Zi clearly see that the inheritor was beside him just now, and the black rod in his hand was on the side of his waist. Fortunately, Bai Yutang's sword blocked the back of his hand.

Zhao Hu instantly broke out in a cold sweat of fright, inexplicably feeling strange – No way! Why didn't he see him coming?

Bai Yutang, on the other hand, knew better, this inheritor was indeed not simple, he had just made good use of Zhao Hu's blind spot, instantly striking. Moreover, the strike was extremely vicious, if Zhao Hu had received that blow just now, he might have been seriously injured or even killed without realising it.

Little by little, Bai Yutang added data on this inheritor – In addition to his regularity and high IQ, he knew the human body quite well, accurately deducing where the blind spots and vitals were. Combining this with the fact that he was a mathematical genius, Bai Yutang surmised that it was possible that this inheritor was a doctor, and combined with those traps he had devised before, he should be skilled in chemistry as well.

The inheritor also seemed to be a little surprised that this attack was blocked, raising his eyes to survey Bai Yutang and smiling, "I think I've seen you somewhere before!"

When Bai Yutang heard this, what flashed through his mind was Bai Ye, did the inheritor know Bai Ye?

"Ah!" Without waiting for Bai Yutang to reply, the inheritor seemed to remember something, "I've seen your corpse before."

With his words, Zhao Hu and the others frowned – Was he telling the truth? Or was it some sort of provocative approach?

"Where did you see it?" Bai Yutang's expression was calm, however.

"Well... I saw it when I was a child." He said, tilting his head again and examining Bai Yutang, "Looking carefully, it seems to be a bit different, why not beat you to death and compare..."

As soon as his words fell, he suddenly sprang forward a step.

Luo Tian and Zhao Hu were startled – So fast!

The trajectory of the inheritor's attack was quite bizarre; from Bai Yutang's side, the rod was swept over.

Bai Yutang raised his sword to block and saw the inheritor's rod slide down the back of the sword.

Almost simultaneously, Bai Yutang let go.

As he did so, a ball of flames appeared in the air with a boom.

Luo Tian and Zhao Hu couldn't clearly see what was going on. The inheritor suddenly flew out, and the black rod landed on the ground, sending out a few sparks when it hit the ground.

Zhao Hu smelled a particularly pungent odour in the air, like the smell of a match when it was lit.

Luo Tian also went to look at the rod – It turned out that the rod was coated with flammable chemicals, and just now, when rubbing the back of the blade, the chemicals ignited. In the previous collapse, all of them had dust on them, and if they had been exposed to the fire just now, it was estimated that their entire bodies would have burnt up.

So the moment the stick touched the sword, both of them let go.

If the inheritor let go because it was calculated, then Bai Yutang let go because he had already guessed... The inheritor didn't think Bai Yutang would guess, so the original proactive approach became passive...

Luo Tian and Zhao Hu glanced at each other. Bai Yutang had found the inheritor's blind spot and kicked him in the very same spot where he had sneak attacked Zhao Hu just now.

And as a right-handed person, the method of attack used was that of a left-handed person.

Of course, as colleagues who had worked with Bai Yutang for many years, Zhao Hu and the others were well aware that left-handedness or right-handedness was completely meaningless to Bai Yutang. The captain of SCI and Zhan Zhao had one thing in common, the ability to change hands without obstacles. Zhan Zhao was good at switching hands to write, while Bai Yutang was good at switching hands to shoot.

The inheritor was in shock the moment he fell to the ground, at which point he slowly awoke.

Luo Tian and Zhao Hu went to pull him up and found that he could no longer move, and looked at Bai Yutang in some confusion.

Bai Yutang picked up the rod on the ground as he said, "Both sides of his ribs are broken and his pelvis is misaligned, even if he's a robot, he can't move."

Luo Tian and Zhao Hu opened their mouths, just one kick took care of this terrifying inheritor...

Luo Tian handcuffed the inheritor, and when he saw that he was rolling his eyes in pain and couldn't even speak, he also felt a bit shocked and looked at Bai Yutang suspiciously.

Bai Yutang was just about to speak when he heard a gunshot from above.

Everyone exchanged glances and hurriedly ran out of the sewers.

When they came out of the sewer, Bai Yutang saw Zhan Zhao standing there, Ma Han handcuffing a man, and another man lying at Zhan Zhao's feet.

Zhan Zhao heard footsteps coming from the other side, looked up and laughed, reaching out to look at his watch, "Sure enough, it's only been five minutes."

Bai Yutang ran to Zhan Zhao's side and saw that lying at his feet was G who had been shot once, and the one Ma Han was cuffing was also G.

Bai Yutang frowned and compared them, "They feel similar yet very different."

"The two look the same." Zhao Hu was also puzzled, "Twins or plastic surgery?"

The corner of Zhan Zhao's mouth curled slightly.

Ma Han, on the other hand, frowned at Zhao Hu, "Are you blind? The two look completely different!"

"Different?!" Zhao Hu exclaimed.

Bai Chi and Luo Tian also couldn't see any difference between the two.

"Somewhat similar..." Bai Yutang closed his eyes, then opened them again to take a closer look and shook his head, "Indeed, they're not similar."

Zhao Hu and Luo Tian still felt exactly the same.

Hu Zi slapped his leg, "We're not being bewitched by this kid, are we?"

Ma Han also thought – Could this be the insurance that Zhao Jue had given him earlier? From the first time he saw G, he felt that he looked completely different from what he had seen before. How did Zhao Jue do that? And how had G influenced the rest of the SCI beforehand?

"It's similar to a voodoo expert." Zhan Zhao said, giving a thumbs up to the distance.

Bai Yutang asked, "Eleven?"

Zhan Zhao nodded, "Very accurate shot."

Zhan Zhao walked over, bent down, looked at G who was handcuffed by Ma Han, and smiled, "You're nothing more than that, once you're free of that disguise, you're just an ordinary person."

G slowly raised his head and looked at Zhan Zhao, there was no tension or dissatisfaction, he just smiled, "Do you think something like handcuffs and prison will work on me?"

Zhan Zhao laughed and shook his head, "Why should we lock you up?"

G asked with interest, "Then what are you going to do with me?"

Zhan Zhao turned to the inheritor who was dragged over by Luo Tian and Zhao Hu, "I'm getting more and more chess pieces in my hand, there will be a day when I'll be able to checkmate."

G froze at first, then laughed out loud, "Checkmate? How are you going to checkmate? You don't even know where my king is."

Zhan Zhao shook his head slightly, "Not necessarily."

Bai Yutang, on the other hand, frowned, thinking that there was no need to waste any more time. After bringing everyone back, the inheritor needed to be treated.

Zhan Zhao looked at the inheritor with some sympathy, then suddenly lowered his head and whispered two words in G's ear.

The crowd then noticed a subtle change in G's expression.

After Zhan Zhao finished, he gently patted him on the shoulder and reached out to point at the path he came from, "See?"

G didn't say anything, and listened as Zhan Zhao lightly added, "The end of the road!"

G suddenly laughed and muttered to himself, "Sure enough, living is really fun..."

Bai Yutang had the two captured key figures escorted to the car, while off to the side, Xiao Bai Chi found it a bit unbelievable, "We captured the last inheritor within ten minutes, and we also captured G?"

Zhao Hu was also full of doubts, "Captain, how did you kick him? And Dr. Zhan, how did you catch G? I thought G was almost as difficult to catch as Zhao Jue..."

"Comparing him to Zhao Jue? That's a bit too much praise for him." Zhan Zhao shook his head and mysteriously poked Bai Yutang, "Did you have any thoughts when you saw the inheritor?"

Bai Yutang thought for a moment and said, "He's much younger than I thought."

"So, I can see why G is trying to capture him by all means." A hint of excitement flashed in Zhan Zhao's eyes, "In a mess, a clue has finally been identified! Just wait for the day we meet the king!"

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

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Translator Notes

Please feel free to comment any mistakes I made so I can improve and do better as I go through the book.

Translated: February 9, 2024 by Angel

Edited: May 9, 2024 by Angel
