S.C.I Mystery Series Volume 5 Chapter 44

Inheritor of the Three Murderers 13 – Transaction

Bai Jintang calmed down the blown-up Gongsun and made an appointment with him for dinner, then hung up the phone.

Just after putting down the phone, the phone on the desk rang, and according to the display, it was from the reception desk.

Bai Jintang pressed the speakerphone.


The voice of the receptionist downstairs came through, "There's a gentleman who wants to see you, but doesn't have an appointment."

Bai Jintang frowned slightly, the receptionist wasn't ignorant of the rules, he usually only met with someone if they had an appointment, and it was always the twins who would contact him... although the twins weren't around today.

Probably sensing that the boss wasn't very happy, the receptionist added, "He said that you will definitely see him."

Bai Jintang thought about it and asked, "What's his name?"

"Er..." the receptionist's pronunciation wasn't too standard, but he could still make out that what was said was, "Issel."

Bai Jintang was silent for about three seconds before briefly saying, "Tell him to come up."

The receptionist put down the phone and looked up at the tall, handsome foreigner in a black suit in front of her, "The president would like you to go upstairs."

The exotic Latin American handsome man who called himself "Issel" nodded slightly and turned around to walk towards the elevator, leaving the group of starry-eyed receptionists whispering – So cool! Who's that? So tall!


Bai Jintang walked to the table and sat down, frowning as he looked at the bullet that had just been pried out of the wall.

As he was lost in thought, he heard two knocks on the door.

Bai Jintang put the bullet on the table.

The door was opened.

Outside the door, the Hispanic man in the black suit walked in, hands in his pockets, and leaned against the door to look at him.

After a moment of silence, the man smiled faintly, "I never thought I'd see you again."

Bai Jintang lightly replied, "To think that you're still alive."

The man seemed to agree when he heard this, nodding, "I also didn't think I'd live this long."

Bai Jintang asked, "I heard you were with G?"

The man walked over to the table, reached out for a chair, sat down opposite Bai Jintang and opened his mouth, "It just happened."

Saying that, his attention seemed to be attracted by the skull crystal cup on Bai Jintang's table, reaching out to touch the cup, "Your sense of fun has changed a lot."

Bai Jintang moved the skull cup a little away from his touch.

The man laughed, looking at Bai Jintang with one hand on his chin, "You're doing so well now, shouldn't you say thank you to me?"

Bai Jintang seemed to find this quite amusing, reaching out and picking up the cigarette case and lighter on the table, "You just let me live, the one who made my life good is not you."

"Hehe." The man shook his head, "Your sense of fun has changed but your character hasn't, it's true that good things happen when you survive, Zhao Jue's words are also somewhat reasonable."

Bai Jintang lit a cigarette and frowned at him, "What is the purpose of you and G appearing in S City at this time?"

"G found something very interesting." The man also went and drew a cigarette out, but he didn't light it, he just held it in his hand and studied it while muttering to himself, "According to the prophecy, it's almost time for the finale, so it's not uncommon for all the snakes in the ground to come out of their holes."

After listening, Bai Jintang snuffed out the remaining half of his cigarette in the one-to-one scale ashtray of his heart that Gongsun had given him, and opened his mouth, "Issel."

The South American known as Issel raised his head to look at him.

"There's a question I've been wanting to ask you." Bai Jintang asked, "Why don't you smile at anyone else, but when it comes to me, you keep smiling?"

A smile appeared on Issel's face once more, "I told you the answer when we were kids, don't you remember?"

Bai Jintang sighed and looked at him speechlessly, "When we were kids? We only spent a total of three days together, right?"

"Mhmm." Issel nodded, placing the cigarette back on the table and smiling, "Those three days were my childhood."

Bai Jintang placed the bullet in front of his eyes, "So is this your gift to your only childhood friend?"

Issel looked at the bullet and smiled, "Who told you to get married without even asking me to be your best man."

Bai Jintang rubbed his eyebrows, "You'd better stay away from G. Since you escaped, why don't you go find Zhao Jue."

"You also know that I hate him."

"He saved your life, what do you have to hate him for?"

Issel thought about it seriously, "Does ruining my childhood count?"

Saying that, he noticed a photo frame on Bai Jintang's desk, so he brought it over. When he saw the photo of Gongsun wearing slippers and a white lab coat, reading the newspaper like a grandfather with a cigarette in his mouth and his legs crossed, he laughed and pounded the table, "So cute!"

Bai Jintang helplessly took the frame back and put it away, asking, "What are you doing here?"

"To tell you a story." Issel crossed his legs and leaned back in his chair, saying slowly, "This morning, G went to meet your brother for a while."

Just as Issel raised his head, he saw Bai Jintang's face darken, and he busily reached out to point at a shallow scar on the side of his cheek to show him, "He's really something, your little tiger."

Bai Jintang's face eased a little and asked, "Why is G looking for Yutang? Zhao Jue was with them and he still dared to show his face."

"So he brought me along," Issel gently raised an eyebrow, "so as not to be cut into pieces by Bai Ye."

Bai Jintang seemed to find it funny, "Can you handle Bai Ye?"

Issel shrugged, "I don't care if G lives or dies, what I'm more curious about is which one is more powerful, him or Zhan Zhao?"

Bai Jintang's brows furrowed once more.

"After all..." Issel picked up a pen on the table and twirled it around his fingertips, "one is God's favourite, while the other is an outcast."

Bai Jintang was slightly distracted when he heard this.

"G told SCI that the inheritors would appear in that marathon earlier." The pen in Issel's hand didn't stop, "SCI probably caught more than a dozen killers. G wants to find that last one for questioning, and I'm responsible for shooting him after he's done."

Bai Jintang thought about it and realised, "G is using SCI to find that killer, and after asking for clues he will silence him. In this way, his purpose will be achieved, and SCI will have worked for nothing."

Issel clapped his hands, "I was afraid that you would become stupid if your days were too happy, it seems that I was overly concerned."

"Do you think you can use SCI that smoothly?" Bai Jintang asked while looking at his watch, "Yutang and the others should be at the door by now."

Issel wasn't surprised and smiled, reaching out to place his phone on the table, "That's why I'm here to make a deal with you."

As soon as Issel's words fell, the door to Bai Jintang's office was opened.

At the door, sure enough, everyone from the marathon that SCI had just participated in was there. Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao walked in, and in the lounge outside, Zhao Jue was sitting on a couch in a grand manner, flipping through a magazine.

It was unknown what interesting content he had seen, but there was a faint smile at the corner of Zhao Jue's mouth.

Bai Ye was outside the door of the lounge, leaning his back against the doorframe, lost in thought.

"You're going to betray G?" Zhan Zhao walked in and pulled out a chair to sit next to Issel, while Bai Yutang sat on the other side, looking at Bai Jintang with some confusion.

Bai Jintang knew Bai Yutang was concerned that he hadn't told him about knowing G and Issel before.

Issel seemed to have noticed the exchange between the two brothers, Bai Jintang and Bai Yutang, so he turned his face to Bai Yutang and said, "Your older brother would never betray me because I saved his life."

Bai Yutang's expression eased a bit as he looked at Issel, feeling that he had seen him somewhere before.

Issel, in the crowded situation, reverted to the same cold, expressionless state that he was in when Bai Yutang saw him on the rooftop earlier.

He turned back to answer Zhan Zhao's earlier question, "I'm not in a subordinate relationship with G. I don't have to be loyal to him in the first place, so what's the point of betrayal?"

Zhan Zhao stared at him for a moment before saying, "You're quite fluent in Chinese."

Issel was stunned by Zhan Zhao's words, and outside, Zhao Jue, who was reading a magazine, couldn't hold back and let out a pfft as he continued to flip through the magazine.

Zhan Zhao stared at Issel, "High IQ, strong ability, you look different from all the test subjects, and you have the shadow of the tenth generation but are even better."

Issel was sizing him up as Zhan Zhao sized him up. After a long time, he nodded, his eyes tinged with appreciation, "Mhmm, G really can't handle you yet."

"What kind of deal do you want to make?" Bai Yutang asked him.

"I can tell you where the tenth inheritor is." Issel replied, "In exchange, you will let me meet someone."

"Who?" Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang asked together.

Issel stared at the two of them in disbelief.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang frowned – If you have something to say, hurry up and say it, what are you peddling for?!

The corners of Issel's mouth moved slightly, and he turned back to Bai Jintang, "How cute, their reactions are identical."

Bai Jintang held his forehead and waved his hand at him to indicate that he should hurry up and cut the bullshit.

"I want to see the witness!" Issel replied.

Everyone froze.

Zhan Zhao subconsciously looked back at Zhao Jue in the doorway.

The smile remained on Zhao Jue's face, but he was still looking down at his magazine, appearing unconcerned about the situation on this side of the room.

Zhan Zhao felt strange, "You want to see A'Mo?"

"I have something I want to show him." Issel said, turning to Zhao Jue outside, "And I want to meet my daughter."

The crowd froze for a moment, startled – Daughter?

Bai Jintang frowned, puzzled, and asked Issel, "What daughter?"

Issel thought for a moment, "Well, she's fifteen years old this year, right?... I thought she was burned to death when the lab was destroyed, but I heard that Kalin recently appeared in S City, with a girl by her side."

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang both looked straight at Issel, and if they looked closely... Issel's eyes indeed resembled Mia's! Mia's undamaged face had very obvious hybrid features, could it be that her biological father was this Issel?

Zhao Jue finally raised his head and looked at Issel with a light smile on his face, "What are you going to show the witnesses?"

Issel locked eyes with him for a moment before raising his left hand and slowly rolling up the sleeve of his left arm with his right hand.

As he did so, the crowd was able to see a large tattoo on his left arm...

Zhao Jue stared at the tattoo and froze, and even Bai Ye beside him showed a rare strange expression.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Yutang both looked at Zhao Jue – What's the situation?

After Zhao Jue came back to his senses, he nodded to the two of them.

Bai Yutang then said to Issel, "We can trade with you, where are the inheritor and G?"

Issel took a pen and paper from the table and wrote an address for Bai Yutang, "Be quick, if G gets there first then the trail will be broken from here on out."

Bai Yutang and Zhan Zhao stood up and headed out.

Zhao Jue, on the other hand, seemed to have lost all interest in the inheritor or G and hurriedly ran inside to look at the tattoo on Issel's left arm.

When Zhan Zhao walked into the elevator, he saw Zhao Jue, who was carefully studying the tattoo, and was a little puzzled.

He waited for the elevator doors to close.

Zhan Zhao was puzzled, "What exactly is going on?"

"Didn't I make a trip home earlier?" Bai Yutang's reaction was a bit more calm than Zhan Zhao's, seemingly mentally prepared.

Zhan Zhao also remembered, "Right, what clues did you find from Uncle's side?"

Bai Yutang said, "Some things about Bother, and some things that happened when I was a kid that I forgot about."

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

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Translator Notes

Please feel free to comment any mistakes I made so I can improve and do better as I go through the book.

Translated: February 8, 2024 by Angel

Edited: May 9, 2024 by Angel
