S.C.I Mystery Series Volume 5 Chapter 43

Inheritor of the Three Murderers 12 – Intentions

A thrilling scene appeared on the road marathon course.

Yuan Min, a completely defenceless professional athlete, was running towards the finish line, and behind him, a man who had suddenly burrowed into the race had already pulled out a gun, pulling the bolt and lifting his hand...

At this time, Bai Yutang and Luo Tian were still some distance away from that killer. Seeing that the other party was about to pull the trigger, it was already too late...

Xiatian and Ma Xin in the monitoring room both subconsciously closed their eyes.

However... the crowd did not hear the thrilling bang of a gunshot that they were waiting for, but rather the roar of a motorcycle motor.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Chi glanced at each other. They saw a black motorcycle coming out from the back of the crowd, and the two people on the motorcycle were both wearing black leather jackets and black helmets...

They saw that motorcycle veer off on one side and drive under the guardrail to enter the racetrack.

Bai Yutang gestured to that motorcycle.

The motorcycle drove past the killer and braked sharply, violently swerving to a stop.

The killer was startled by the motorcycle that suddenly appeared in front of him, and before he could retract the hand holding the gun, the person on the back of the motorbike reached out and grabbed the gun.

He only saw that person skilfully yank the gun bolt, chattering a few times... The gun was dismantled into parts, and the clip flew out.

While that killer froze, Bai Yutang and Luo Tian had already arrived behind him.

Luo Tian took out handcuffs and handcuffed him.

Bai Yutang reached out, accepting the pistol parts that the man in black handed over.

The two men in black removed their helmets, revealing two identical faces – the Ding twins.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Chi let out a sigh of relief.

Xiao Xiatian touched his chin, aiya... the twins of Big Brother Bai's family really don't just eat, drink and have fun.

Da Ding and Xiao Ding took off their helmets and complained.

"Do you guys know that this marathon is sponsored by the Bai Group?"

"Big Brother's bad luck has grown from vertical to horizontal!"

"That's right, we don't even organise banquets anymore, but there are still people who cause trouble at a marathon."

"Cat," Bai Yutang asked Zhan Zhao, "what about the other one?"

Zhan Zhao and Bai Chi were both in a difficult situation at this time. That killer should be the one holding the sniper rifle... He was not within the scope of the camera footage, how was he going to be found?

At this time, they heard Bai Yutang say, "Since there is one target and one killer, then remove the target if you can't remove the killer!"

Everyone froze.

Ma Han and Zhao Hu, who were in the car, looked at each other – What did that mean?

Bai Yutang ripped the number plate off the back of the assassin who was going to be escorted into the police car and asked Luo Tian to help him pin it on.

Zhan Zhao and Bai Chi's eyes widened, and behind them, Zhao Jue was happy, "Wow! Speeding up ah?"

After Zhao Jue finished speaking, Bai Yutang had finished attaching his number plate, and Bai Yutang chased after the champion at full speed.

Lu Xiaolan and Chen Si were shocked, "Chasing like this?"

"Can he catch up?" Bai Chi was worried, "The other party is a professional athlete!"

"He can." Zhan Zhao nodded while telling Ma Han and Zhao Hu in the car through the intercom, "You two hurry up and follow!"

Ma Han and Zhao Hu told the officer who was driving to follow Bai Yutang closely.

The crowd then watched as Captain Bai chased him... before catching up with Yuan Ming a short moment later.

"He really caught up!" Chen Si found it unbelievable.

Lu Xiaolan calmly analysed, "After all, he only ran partway, Yuan Ming ran all the way..."

Before Lu Xiaolan finished her words, everyone looked at her, and Jiang Ping asked, "Are you sure?"

Lu Xiaolan thought about it, and indeed it wasn't right... Bai Yutang also ran all the way from the starting point to here and also caught a lot of people along the way. Looking at him again, he was almost running a marathon at the speed of running a hundred metres, what a terrifying physical ability!

"Captain caught up!" Ma Han's voice came from over there.

"When Yutang pulls away, you two will grab Yuan Ming and stuff him into the police car!" Zhan Zhao said as he asked Jiang Ping to notify the various live broadcast cameras to keep up with Bai Yutang and ignore the others, cut out Yuan Ming's image, and after that, say that he was not feeling well and withdrew from the match.

"Pull away?" Chen Si and Lu Xiaolan exclaimed, "Yuan Ming is a professional athlete..."

Gongsun held his cup and took a sip, "Our Captain Bai is also a professional."

Chen Si and Lu Xiaolan turned back, "Captain Bai is also a professional athlete?"

"He's a professional thief catcher." Gongsun pushed up his glasses.

"The distance has really opened up!" Ma Xin shouted.

They saw Yuan Ming being left behind... the distance growing farther and farther. They could see that he was trying to catch up, and his movements were distorted...

The crowd silently sympathised with the professional athlete for a moment, imagining the shadow inside him at the moment.

As soon as the camera moved away, Zhao Hu and Ma Han hauled Yuan Ming into the police car.

Zhan Zhao lowered his head and thought...

According to the previous speculation, this was originally an attack with a randomly selected target, but now it has suddenly become an assassination with a target... So if the target was removed, would it change back to the previous case of a random attack without a target? If that was the case, then Bai Yutang had gone from hunter to prey, and his next situation would be extremely dangerous.

Zhan Zhao asked Jiang Ping to find information on the last killer, trying to analyse his character through his experiences. The results of the analysis made Zhan Zhao feel very bleak. Among the many killers, it made sense to designate him as the last one. This person, apart from knowing firearms, also had an extremely strong desire to express himself. His inability to adapt to real life and his admiration for violence made him extremely suitable to be this last killer, and he would definitely choose the person running at the front to shoot, creating the biggest sensation.

"Yutang, don't run." Zhan Zhao said, "Hurry up and get out of there."

Surprisingly, although Bai Yutang hadn't conducted psychoanalysis, his judgement of that killer was similar to Zhan Zhao's, and he replied, "There's always going to be someone who runs in first place."

Zhan Zhao frowned, sure enough, Bai Yutang had plans – Instead of letting an amateur become the target of the attack, it was better to let him do it. An assassin hiding in the shadows is always a hidden danger, as long as he fires the first shot, he will be able to know where he is located!

Bai Chi tensed, did he want to avoid the cold shots released from afar?

Zhao Jue also came over and stared at the screen.

Zhan Zhao looked at Zhao Jue who stood beside him and asked, "Do you know where the last killer is?"

Zhao Jue raised his eyebrows slightly and looked at Zhan Zhao with a smile.

Zhan Zhao frowned – Don't laugh!

Zhao Jue shook his head, "You would even take the initiative to ask me for help? You must really love your little tiger."

Zhan Zhao ground his teeth.

Zhao Jue narrowed his eyes and thoughtfully examined the screen, "Could... this be G's true purpose?"

"What did you say?" Zhan Zhao didn't hear too clearly because his entire attention was on the screen, and he turned to look at Zhao Jue.

At this time, they only heard a neither light nor heavy pop sound coming from their earpieces.

Zhan Zhao then felt his heart jump and hurriedly looked at the screen... to see that Bai Yutang had disappeared from the screen.

"Where is Yutang?" Zhan Zhao panicked.

"The captain just stopped for a second..." Jiang Ping said.

"Missed!" Bai Chi was excited, "I saw smoke by his feet when Brother stopped for a moment!"

At the same time, Bai Yutang's voice came over the intercom, "On the roof of the building in the middle!" Bai Yutang should be speaking to Ma Han and Zhao Hu in the car.

Zhan Zhao tapped Jiang Ping.

Jiang Ping informed the police helicopter that was patrolling to rush to that building.

Bai Chi chose a route around that building.

Lu Xiaolan and Chen Si notified the organisers to change the route so that the other contestants at the back could bypass that building.

Soon, the organisers used the guardrails to change the route of the race, and it wasn't difficult to bypass that building.

Meanwhile, police vehicles had already surrounded that building.

Bai Yutang rushed into the building with Ma Han, Zhao Hu and Luo Tian, and just as they entered, the building's fire alarm went off.

This office building was full of white-collar workers at work. They thought there was a fire and they all ran down the stairs, while the elevators automatically stopped and no longer operated.

"Oh no!" Zhao Hu stomped his feet, "That kid is quite smart, trying to mix in the crowd to escape..."

"He can't run away, the entrance is full of police, and everyone who evacuates will have to verify their identity..." Ma Han hadn't finished speaking when he heard Jiang Ping's voice over the intercom, "Captain!"

"What's wrong?" Bai Yutang asked.

"The police helicopter has arrived at the top floor, and found a dead body with a sniper rifle." Jiang Ping said, "That killer is dead."

Bai Yutang was slightly stunned.

"Fuck!" Zhao Hu was disgruntled, "Silenced?"

Ma Han frowned slightly, "I did hear overlapping gunshots just now, sure enough, I didn't mishear."

Bai Yutang also nodded, "At the time he fired, someone fired from another sniper position as well."

"So is there still another hidden assassin?" Bai Chi was worried, "Did we miss them?"

"Not an assassin of the same level." Bai Yutang shook his head, "That one is a professional."

Ma Han nodded as well, "The speed of sound transmission changes due to distance, the fact that the other party can create this kind of overlapping gunshot indicates that he is an expert amongst the masters."

"The professional killers that can be ranked are all in S City." Zhan Zhao asked, "Is it one of them?"

Bai Yutang asked the building administrator to resume the operation of the elevator and informed the police to carefully check all the people entering and exiting the building. That fire alarm just now wouldn't have gone off on its own somehow, there should be an insider in this building as well.

Walking into the elevator, Zhao Hu asked Ma Han, "Could it be Eleven?"

Ma Han shook his head, "I don't think so."

"Ask him." Zhao Hu poked Ma Han.

Ma Han took out his cell phone and sent a text message, "Did you do it?"

By the time the elevator reached the top floor, Eleven's reply came, "No."

Bai Yutang walked to the side of the building.

The police helicopter was still there, and several officers guarded the scene, putting up a yellow line.

Bai Yutang crossed the yellow line and examined the body.

There was a sniper rifle next to the body along with an empty shell casing, and the deceased had been shot in the centre of the eyebrows.

Ma Han, still standing by the yellow line and texting, asked Eleven, "Any idea who did it?"

Ma Han was not hopeful, but who would have known that the answer Eleven returned was not "I don't know", but an answer that confused Ma Han, "Ask Bai."

Confused, Ma Han walked over to Bai Yutang's side and handed over his cell phone for him to see.

Bai Yutang frowned, "I know the killer?"

Ma Han spread his hands.

On the other side, Zhan Zhao could hear their conversation and asked what had happened.

Bai Yutang told him about Eleven's reply.

Zhan Zhao was silent.

"Cat?" Bai Yutang was puzzled.

Then he heard Zhan Zhao's voice come through, "Who else has the surname Bai besides you?"

Bai Yutang froze.

In the SCI office, everyone looked at Gongsun.

Gongsun fished out his cell phone and was in the process of dialling.

Gongsun's call was answered, and it was Bai Jintang.

Brother Bai was looking at a photo, and when he saw that the caller was Gongsun, he picked up...

Gongsun told him what happened.


At this time, Bai Yutang, who was still on the roof of the building, looked into the distance, and at a glance... saw the Bai Group building, which was far away but clearly visible.

Bai Yutang thought about it and suddenly shouted into the intercom, "Tell Brother to be careful!"


As Bai Yutang's words fell, Gongsun heard a crashing sound of shattering glass from the other side through his cell phone.

Everyone froze.

Gongsun froze for a moment as he held the phone before shouting, "Jintang!"


A moment of silence.

Everyone held their breath and stared at the cell phone in Gongsun's hand, only to hear the second hand of the wall clock, tick, tick, tick...

Just as the third tick sounded, Bai Jintang's voice was heard, "Missed."

The crowd let out a sigh of relief.

Bai Jintang used a pen to pick out the bullet that had pierced the bulletproof glass and was embedded in the wall, which he had avoided by tilting his head.

Gongsun took the cell phone and gritted his teeth, "Who wants to kill you again!"

Bai Jintang was calm, he looked at the bullet and slowly replied, "It's a bad guy. By the way, my dear, where are we going to eat tonight?"

Zhan Zhao and the others silently watched Gongsun raise his arm and smash his cell phone. 

‿︵‿︵ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ・❉・ ʚ˚̣̣̣͙ɞ‿︵‿︵

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Translator Notes

Please feel free to comment any mistakes I made so I can improve and do better as I go through the book.

Translated: February 7, 2024 by Angel

Edited: May 9, 2024 by Angel


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